Getting up to speed with new software can be a big jump
What’s the fastest way to make the leap to a new workflow?
It seems everyone is busy. We know there are software tools that can help you complete your work faster and save you time. But you still need time to learn those new tools and adjust workflows. When the learning process is uncertain, making the change gets pushed back. Maybe you are waiting for work to slow down. But what if things never seem to slow down?
What’s needed is straight-forward curated learning process that can get you and your team up to speed as fast as possible. Maybe it has to be flexible so multiple people can join in across time zones. To fit into everyone’s busy schedule, the information and training needs to be easy to absorb in manageable increments. Small increments also means you can learn without overload and have the best chance for success, too.

Introducing Virtual Software Training
Benefits of virtual training
Learn new software the fastest way possible with tiny increments. When you’re busy, it’s hard to find time to learn all the ins-and-outs of software that’s new to you. Our video training and video tutorials are set up to give you information in tiny increments. But there’s also a lot of information and it takes time to figure out the best path to learn. Our staff curate training materials to give you the right sequence so you can learn as fast as possible.
Get results faster by learning new workflows. Everyone gets used to doing something one way over time. But there are often better ways of doing things that can cut back on analysis and design time. Sign up for a training session to review the latest workflows and capabilities because it might save you a lot of time and effort.
Review online training videos any time, any place ahead of Q&A sessions. Training that moves too fast is stressful. Trying to take notes during a live session can also be a distraction. Learn at your own pace by using recordings of all training presentations online. Then come prepared to live Q&A sessions with your questions ready to go.
Refresh your skills with online access after training is done. Specialized software isn’t always used every day. It can leave you feeling rusty if you haven’t worked with a software tool in a few months. Brush up on fundamental topics and how-tos using online training videos and tutorials any time.
Easily find a time for live Q&A sessions using multiple sessions. Long training sessions are hard to coordinate with everyone’s full work day. Adding different time zones for staff make things even harder. Live Q&A sessions are provided in short webmeetings of 45 min that are easy to fit into busy schedules.
Current training programs
Oceanographic Mooring Design and Analysis
Learn the workflows in the Oceanographic toolset to go through detailed design, static analysis, and dynamic analysis. Learn best practices in setting up mooring designs and techniques to use in checking mooring effects in wind, waves, and currents.
Seakeeping and Maneuvering
Learn the workflows in the ShipMo3D toolset to go through detailed vessel model set up, hydrodynamics pre-processing, and then seakeeping and maneuvering analysis. Learn best practices for reliable hydrodynamics calculations and how to evaluate motions in different sea state conditions.
ProteusDS Fundamentals
Review the fundamental dynamic objects in ProteusDS Simulation Toolbox, how to configure different wind, wave, and current scenarios, and how to configure advanced rigid body dynamic systems.
Contact us to set up a virtual training schedule