Build your well before you’re thirsty
Learning takes time
It takes time to learn new things. Learning while completing a project takes both time and ratchets up the pressure on you, too. Learning ahead of time can save you a lot of stress when it comes time to work on projects.
So whether you’ve never used ProteusDS, or you’re an experienced user, our motivation behind the newsletter is to help you learn and stay informed. So, “build your well before you’re thirsty” and start learning how things work 5 minutes at a time.
5 minute articles on ocean engineering and design
Our newsletter typically features easy-to-read article on ocean engineering and design topics involving moorings, ship motion, and hydrodynamics. An article will help explain a new topic or give you a framework to follow on solving a problem. The articles are designed to take only a few minutes to read at a time. Get up to speed on design techniques and knowledge ahead of when a high-pressure project comes down the pipe. You might learn a few wacky facts along the way, too!
The newsletter is the best way to stay in touch on software news, too
There are often newly released features and ways of using the software that will save users time and reduce project risk. Stay subscribed to be notified about new functionality and updates to our software tools.
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