Introducing the dedicated ProteusDS website
We’re excited to show you the new, dedicated ProteusDS website! We’ve been working hard to put the pieces together for many months.
For many years, ProteusDS had its own corner on the DSA Ocean website. But as our users have grown, we’ve found more and more that we needed a specific website dedicated to all things ProteusDS related.
This is the one place where you can find all the information you need to learn about what ProteusDS is, what it can do, how you can get it, and how you can get help with it. It’s the platform we need to grow and do even more with ProteusDS. So what are the key areas to check out?
In the banner under Products, you can learn more about the problems solved by marine industry-specific toolsets we’re developing in ProteusDS.
Under Support, you can contact us with questions, find technical information on computer requirements, and get a ProteusDS license for your account. We will always provide consulting services through DSA Ocean using ProteusDS, so there’s a way to connect with our engineers if you need more hands-on help.
Under Learn, you can find more on what we are up to with our blog posts, read about virtual training, software documentation, and our extensive video tutorials. Everyone is learning on an ongoing basis and we are no exception.
Feedback is always welcome. If you have questions big or small on the website or on any of the content, send us a note via the contact form in the website footer.
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